My Unfailing Harpsichord-Friend 3

Last modified June 9, 2013

This third recording from “My Unfailing Harpsichord-Friend” collection, originally published in 1977, brings a selection of songs sung by Sri Chinmoy accompanied by the harpsichord; – an instrument popular during the Renaissance and Baroque era.

Most of the songs of this volume have been published in the songbook, Journey’s Goal (1977).

The last song Phire Chalo (Eng. Let us go home) is a traditional song from India composed by Sourindra Mohan Mukhopadhyay (lyrics) / Raichand Baral (melody). The first public performance of this song happened on Sunday, March 20, 1966, when Sri Chinmoy gave a recital of spiritual and devotional songs at the Indian Cultural Centre in New York. All songs were sung in Sanskrit and Bengali and they ranged from the Vedic era to modern times.

For the song Phire Chalo, Sri Chinmoy explained briefly to the audience the spiritual or philosophical significance of this song:

“By singing this song, a great singer of India, K. C. Dey, became immortal overnight. God had denied him sight; he was stone blind. But God sang through him in such soul-stirring grandeur as he sang this song for the famous film “Chandidasa” that his name became immortal in India. In this song. Home is beckoning us. According to the Vedas, Home represents Heaven on Earth, for it is by abiding in the soul here on earth that we achieve spiritual Bliss. In the Rig Veda, the seers sing: “Madhumat Punarayanam” which means “Sweet be my return (home).”

Sri Chinmoy Harpsichord

Phire Chalo [unofficial]

Let us return Home, let us go back.
Useless is this reckoning of seeking and getting,
Divine Delight permeates all of today.

Moonlight has spread all over the sky,
The wind blows in all directions
Freed from its bondage-bounds.

The melody of Love has inundated
The length and breadth of the world;
Sorrows and sufferings have come to an end.

From the blue ocean of death
Life is flowing like nectar.
In life there is death; in death there is life.
So where is fear, where is sorrow?

The birds in the sky are singing “No death, no death!”
Day and night the tide of Immortality
Is descending here on earth.


Artist: Sri Chinmoy
Name: My Unfailing Harpsichord-Friend 3
Release year: 1977 (MC)
Duration: 00:28:16
Acknowledgements: Sri Chinmoy
Page Created: Ashish Zubaty / Tejvan Pettinger
Format: Advanced Audio Coding
Photos by Bhashwar, Shraddha


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