Guided Meditation – Breathing in peace and joy

Last modified February 2, 2013

In this guided meditation, Kaivalya offers a simple meditation exercise for breathing in peace. If you can practise this exercise for 5-10 minutes a day, it will help to calm your mind and energize your body.

“Proper breathing is very important in meditation. When breathing, try to inhale as slowly and quietly as possible, so that if somebody placed a tiny thread in front of your nose, it would not move at all. And try to exhale more slowly still. If possible, leave a short pause between the end of your exhalation and the beginning of your inhalation. If you can, hold your breath for a few seconds. But if it is difficult, do not do it. Never do anything that will harm your organs or respiratory system.”

– Sri Chinmoy (Excerpt from Wings of Joy, unofficial)

Information about Sri Chinmoy Centres who offer free meditation classes in different parts of the world:


True inner joy is self-created.
It does not depend on outer circumstances
Or outer achievements.

(Two Devouring Brothers: Doubt And Ego by Sri Chinmoy)

Artist: Kaivalya Torpy
Music: Alap
Name: Breathing in peace and joy
Duration: 0:8:43
Tracks uploaded: Ashish Zubaty | Tejvan Pettinger
Format: Advanced Audio Coding

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  1. many thanks..Wonderful n simple…love this vry much

  2. Very nice vibration, getting in the groove…………….love this thank you….om shanti

  3. nce,positive.


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