About Radio Sri Chinmoy
At Radio Sri Chinmoy, we have one of the largest archives of spiritual and meditative music, as well as meditation exercises, inspiring talks and interviews.
The music on this site is mainly composed by spiritual Master Sri Chinmoy, from a very high meditative consciousness. Many performances on this site are by the Master himself, others are arrangements of his music by his students.
Soulful Music
When we hear soulful music, or when we play a soulful piece of music, we feel a kind of inner thrill in our entire existence, from the soles of our feet to the crown of our head. A river is flowing through us, a river of consciousness, and this consciousness is all the time illumined.
Music knows no frontiers.
It is free all-where.
Its contribution to emotional integration,
Human and divine,
Can never be fathomed.Sri Chinmoy
Sri Chinmoy composed music from a meditative consciousness. Sri Chinmoy’s music seeks to inspire the listener and bring to the fore a more illumining consciousness. Sri Chinmoy also gave many talks and wrote many poems on soulful music.
Kamalakanta Nieves Editor |
Celana Dimitrijevik Audio editor |
Ashish Zubaty Contributor |
Sumangali Morhall Contributor |
This site is managed by Vasudeva Server; any bugs or comments about the site can be brought to their attention on their contact form.
If you wish to get in touch with any of the music groups or musicians (for example, to order CDs), you can leave a message on the Sri Chinmoy Centre contact form.
Copyright queries
All tracks on the site have been made available to download and embed on other sites under the terms of Creative Commons licence. If you would like to use any of the music on the site outside the terms of that licence, please get in touch via the contact form on the Sri Chinmoy Centre website.
Site Credits
- Playlist settings, sort and cancel icons made by Freepik and Egor Rumyantsev , obtained from www.flaticon.com and licensed by CC BY 3.0