Sri Chinmoy Plays the Esraj 3

Last modified June 16, 2014

This new release offers a classic album of Sri Chinmoy playing on the esraj. This album ‘Esraj no. 3′ includes a total of 15 tracks with Bengali and English songs composed before 1977. It also includes the classical peace Ave Maria composed by Franz Schubert.

Meditation held for the New Year

Sri Chinmoy conducted his annual Meditation for the New Year on Dec. 18 1976 at New York’s Hunter College. Sri Chinmoy and his students prayed for peace and harmony in the new year and meditated to invoke the inner qualities of 1977. Several groups performed arrangements of the his music and Sri Chinmoy himself played on the esraj. During the evening, the New Year’s Message was delivered  and, at the end,  prasad offered to all present.

New Year’s Message 1977

The New Year will be the year of
our astounding achievements.
Our inner achievement will be peace.
Our outer achievement will be progress.
Peace is realisation-seed.
Progress is satisfaction- fruit.

– Sri Chinmoy


76-92-13 76-93-11
Meditation for the New Year on Dec. 18 1976 at New York’s Hunter College.

The Sound of  ’76

For Sri Chinmoy, 1976 was the year of musical creativity.

He gave about two dozen concerts, including ones at Carnegie Hall and outdoor concert Lincoln Center in New York on July 10 at the Damrosch Amphitheatre at New York’s Lincoln Center.

88 Meditation-SunTwo new record albums came out and five new tape cassettes of his songs and esraj music. The latest record album, “Meditation-Sea, ” was produced in Zurich. Folkways Records produced an album entitled “Music for Meditation.” in which Sri Chinmoy plays the esraj and sings several of his devotional songs. He also played 27 different instruments during a one-man concert on Aug. 27, and composed 300 songs in a single session on Nov. 28. The total for the year was 765 songs.
1976 also saw the inauguration of the Sri Chinmoy Sangit, or festival of the Master’s spiritual music that was held in Caguas, in Puerto Rico; it was later followed by a Sri Chinmoy Sangit in San Francisco at Lowell High School in November 4th.
Toward the end of the year, Sri Chinmoy devoted considerable attention to his esraj music. He began studying the esraj in February and first played in a public concert on April 13. His first full esraj concert was in Puerto Rico on July 18.

1976-11-00-74 San Francisco Sangit

Sri Chinmoy sangit in San Francisco at Lowell High School in November 1976.


Artist: Sri Chinmoy
Name: Sri Chinmoy Plays the Esraj 3
Release year: 1977 (MC)
Duration: 0:57:23
Acknowledgements: Sri Chinmoy
Page Created: Ashish / Tejvan
Format: Advanced Audio Coding
Photos by Bhashwar, SF Centre archive

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