“Compassion”- Medley

Last modified February 12, 2012

Note: The audio file Compassion Medley can be played and downloaded from this page

A soulful medley including 6 of Sri Chinmoy’s melodies, arranged and performed by Kamalakanta Nieves.


Dear listeners,

Sri Chinmoy‘s songs have always been a fount of inspiration and aspiration for me. From the moment I started studying meditation with him in 1978, singing his songs has been a cornerstone in my spiritual life. From his songs, I feel peace, light and delight. They express my joys and sorrows, my triumphs and defeats, the soaring heights of my soul, and the despair-filled depths of my human life.

How can this be? How can someone’s music express so much? In Sri Chinmoy’s case, he identifies, through his prayer and meditation, with the myriad experiences of the human condition. His songs embody every aspect of human consciousness in our journey towards the Divine. From the ecstasy of oneness with the Beloved, to the feeling of utter loneliness and emptiness, his songs are  a rainbow of human/divine experiences, viewed with the beauty of pure love.

There is a certain blessedness in Sri Chinmoy’s music. Sometimes, his saddest songs are the most beautiful! I feel that there is a reason for this: When you are walking on the path to self-perfection, even if you feel that you are in a barren desert, it is still a blessing. Being awakened to the inner journey, embarking on the long road to self-perfection, is a blessing in itself. Whether the seeker is experiencing joys or sorrows, triumphs or setbacks, it is all happening within the realm of his awakened existence. And this awakened existence is like a beautiful flower inside God’s Heart-Garden.

When I do musical arrangements of Sri Chinmoy’s music, I try to let my intuition guide me; to feel, rather than think, about what I want to do.  What is the feeling in my heart? Which spiritual quality inspires me today? Is it Compassion, or Grace, or sincerity? I search for songs that have these qualities, and try to listen to my inner voice as I do the music.

One thing that gives me great joy is to combine Sri Chinmoy’s melodies with each other. In this arrangement, I was looking for songs with the word “Compassion” in them. The second song in this arrangement, “Ami Tomai Bhalobasi”, is a very happy song that has to do with compassion:

Ami Tomai Bhalobasi

Sri Chinmoy’s translation:

“I love You for Your Compassion-Flood.
I worship You when the night is far advanced.
You are mine; I am Yours.
We barter our love-light.
In our heart-forest we long for each other.
I love You for Your Compassion-Flood.”

Supreme, I Sing Only for You    [song #82]


As I was arranging this song, the inspiration came to combine it with another song, “Magi Ami Magi”.

Magi Ami Magi

Sri Chinmoy’s student translation:

“I am begging for a new awakening,
A new aspiration, a new consciousness.
In my life and in my death, Oh Lord,
I shall please You
All throughout the world. ”

Song-Flowers, Part 1    [song #62]


Somehow, I feel they are related!

Six songs by Sri Chinmoy are included in this medley, and I have combined them in three pairs.

Another pair is the first and fourth songs, “E Jiban Khani” and “Keno Karo Dibanishi”:


E Jiban Khani

Sri Chinmoy’s translation:

“Many a time I have tried
To offer my life to You.
Alas, I have failed to do so;
Therefore, excruciating pangs
Are torturing my heart.
All in vain I try to please You,
To surrender my existence to You,
To You alone.”

Pole-Star Promise-Light, Part 2    [song #27]


Keno Karo Dibanishi

Sri Chinmoy’s student translation:

Why do You mock me day an night?
Do You want to be the slave of ignorance?”

Bahir Jagate, Part 2    [song #63]




And, finally, the last pair of songs both talk about the heart. They are “Bedana Diye” and
“Usha Bala Elo”:

Bedana Diye Jagao Mama

Sri Chinmoy’s translation:

“Through excruciating pangs,
You awaken my lotus-heart.”

Journey’s Ecstasy    [song #126]



Usha Bala Elo

Sri Chinmoy’s Translation:

Slowly, very slowly,
The virgin dawn appears
In the very depths of my aspiration-heart.

Journey’s Goal, Part 10a    [song #2]


This medley also includes one song I composed, inspired by Sri Chinmoy’s songs. The lyrics to my original song are:

“Supreme, Supreme, Supreme, Supreme
My life for You only, My Lord.”
I hope you enjoy this music as much as I do. Sri Chinmoy’s songs embody the energy and consciousness of his meditation. He tried to share with humanity, through music, art, literature and other activities, what he received in his prayers and meditations.

Thank you for this opportunity of sharing Sri Chinmoy’s songs with you.

Kamalakanta Nieves

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