Sri Chinmoy Students- Selected Performances from October 11, 2021

Last modified November 17, 2021

Dear listeners, today we share with you a selection of soulful performances by Sri Chinmoy students from October 11, 2021. These meditative performances of singing and music were recorded during a special function to mark the anniversary of Sri Chinmoy’s Mahasamadhi on (October 11, 2007).

Every October 11, Sri Chinmoy’s students all over the world observe the anniversary of his Mahasamadhi. This year there were fewer able to travel to New York, but despite the lower numbers, the singers were still able to offer a wonderful sharing of Sri Chinmoy’s devotional songs.

“This music is for the soul and the heart; the soul that smiles and the heart that cries for something higher. This inner cry Sri Chinmoy
called aspiration. It is the inner flame that shines bright, brighter, brightest in the seeker’s life as he/she travels in the long journey
to the Goal of spiritual perfection.

Slowly and slowly the soul blossoms like a flower. Prayer, meditation, selfless-service and joyful activities are the water and sun that
help it grow.”

– Kamalakanta

We hope that these performances will be of inspiration to those who want to embark on the inner journey of self-discovery.

Not the outer journey
But the inner journey
Takes us
To our Lord Supreme.

From Sri Chinmoy’s book Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 25

Artist: Sri Chinmoy Students
Name: Sri Chinmoy Students- Selected Performances from October 11, 2021
Composer: Sri Chinmoy
Release Year: 2021
Duration: 1 hour 54 minutes
Acknowledgements: Sri Chinmoy
Tracks uploaded and published: Kamalakanta Nieves and Tejvan Pettinger
Format: Advanced Audio Coding

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