In this CD Sri Chinmoy sings 51 songs, accompanying himself with the harmonium.
A Crying Heart and a Smiling Soul
Last modified November 18, 2022

These songs are spiritual poems by Sri Chinmoy, which he sets to music. On some occasions, Sri Chinmoy will set the poem to music at the same time as he is writing it, yet the poems always are composed in Bengali meter and rhyme!
These songs express humanity’s inner cry, the cry which is in everyone’s heart, for more light, harmony and joy; the cry for the highest within oneself.
Sri Chinmoy offers us a most powerful performance, full of enthusiasm and energy.
Our gratitude to Sri Chinmoy for this soulful offering.
Kamalakanta Nieves
May 2006
Artist: Sri Chinmoy
Name: ‘A Crying Heart and a Smiling Soul’
Release year:
Duration: 33:47
Page created: Kamalakanta Nieves
Format: Advanced Audio Coding