Adarsha Kelly of Glasgow, Scotland sings 100 songs of Sri Chinmoy acapella. Adarsha has been singing the songs of Sri Chinmoy for nearly 50 years. His wonderful, soulful voice captures the spiritual essence of Sri Chinmoy’s unique musical offering.
Last modified February 10, 2023
Adarsha Kelly of Glasgow, Scotland sings 100 songs of Sri Chinmoy acapella. Adarsha has been singing the songs of Sri Chinmoy for nearly 50 years. His wonderful, soulful voice captures the spiritual essence of Sri Chinmoy’s unique musical offering.
When we sing with soulful self-giving,
The hearts of those songs
Are destined for Immortality.
Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 10, Agni Press, 1998.
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