Songs in Honour of Ambassador Davidson Hepburn

Last modified July 11, 2024

Songs in honour of Ambassador Davidson Hepburn.

“10 to 17 April 2024, Ambassador Davidson Hepburn celebrated a decades long friendship with members of Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United Nations and visited the United Nations Headquarters in Manhattan. We were reminded of the many UN community, multifaith and peace related activities he supported when he served as Permanent Representative of the Bahamas to the UN (1970s -1980s) and later as President of the General Conference of UNESCO (2009-2011) in Paris. During his visit he also renewed his friendship with many of the participants in Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home World Harmony and Peace Runs who he had met over the years on different continents” – Adhiratha Keefe

On April 16, 2024, the night before his departure from New York, members of the Peace Meditation Group choir and friends sang two songs Sri Chinmoy had dedicated to Ambassador Hepburn, and also two songs composed in honor of the Bahamas.

Choir honors Ambassador Hepburn on April 16, 2024

Choir honors Ambassador Hepburn on April 16, 2024

Four special songs performed on April 16, 2024, composed between 1979-2007

Motto of the Bahamas
“Forward, upward,
Onward, Together.”

– Set to music by Sri Chinmoy
to honor the anniversary of the membership of the Bahamas in the United Nations,
18 Sept. 1973 Music score:

O Grand Bahama, Grand!
O grand Bahama, Bahama, Bahama, Grand!
Great multiplicity in God’s oneness-land.
Here we swim and sail,
No Nature’s bondage-jail.
Bahama, Bahama, Bahama, Bahama,
O sleepless, O breathless panorama!
-Sri Chinmoy, Sep 1980
Music score:

Ambassador Davidson Hepburn
Ambassador Davidson Hepburn!
To brighter light and higher height,
To deeper depth and farther length,
Your oneness-heart’s sleepless cries turn.
Bahama’s vision-glory-song,
Your life’s goodness-smile,
Long live, long!
-Sri Chinmoy, 27 Sep 1985

Ambassador Hepburn, Brother Davidson!
Ambassador Hepburn,
Brother Davidson!
Oneness-heart Hepburn,
God-lover Davidson.
Goodness, your inner name.
Greatness, your outer frame.
You we admire, you we love.
You are a special gift from Summit above.
-Sri Chinmoy, 8 July 2007

Our gratitude to Ambassador Hepburn for his continued example of oneness and love.

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