In this first selection from August 2016 Celebrations, we offer recordings by Adarsha, Akuli and Satyajit. In the first recording Adarsha soulfully sings two of Sri Chinmoy’s classic songs (Borobudur and Hiya Pakhi).
Last modified September 20, 2016
In this first selection from August 2016 Celebrations, we offer recordings by Adarsha, Akuli and Satyajit. In the first recording Adarsha soulfully sings two of Sri Chinmoy’s classic songs (Borobudur and Hiya Pakhi).
Dear listeners, we bring you this first part of selections from performances by Sri Chinmoy students who came to New York in the month of August to celebrate Sri Chinmoy’s 85th Birthday.
His students performed arrangements of Sri Chinmoy’s songs, and in some cases (like Akuli did here), their own compositions. Satyajit offers a soulful recitation of Sri Chinmoy’s writings.
It is a labor of love and self-giving, to share with others the beauty and soulfulness, the joy and peace of Sri Chinmoy’s music.
During his life on earth (1931-2007), Sri Chinmoy strived to share with others the fruit of his prayers and meditations. In the field of music, he gave almost 800 free concerts all over the world, in halls big and small, to share this inner beauty, light and peace that he received from his spiritual practice.
We hope you find these selections inspiring. More to come…..
Artist: Sri Chinmoy Students
Name: August 2016 Celebrations, Part 1
Composer: Sri Chinmoy and his students
Release Year: 2016
Duration: 27:16
Tracks uploaded and published: Kamalakanta Nieves and Tejvan Pettinger
Format: Advanced Audio Coding
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