Bhashwar recites Sri Chinmoy’s poems, Dec. 5, 2015

Last modified December 16, 2015

Bhashwar Hart offers a soulful recitation of Sri Chinmoy’s poems. The poems Bhashwar recited in this performance are all taken from the series The Dance of Life, which were composed by Sri Chinmoy in 1973 – the same year that Bhashwar joined Sri Chinmoy’s path.

Dear listeners, Sri Chinmoy’s poems have a sweetness-delight-devotion that charms the heart and soothes the soul. They express the beautiful relationship between man and God, between the devotee and the Lord, between the lover and the Beloved.

It is a heartfelt dialogue where man and God manifest their feelings towards each other; a declaration of love.

Bhashwar Hart recites Sri Chinmoy’s poems with soulfulness and tenderness; it is a peaceful balm to the soul to hear these jewels of devotional poetry! This recitation is very conducive to meditation. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do!

– Kamalakanta Nieves

I long to be one

I long to be one
With the Dust of Your Feet.
I long to be one
With the Smile of Your Eyes.
I long to be one
With the Love of Your Heart.
I long to be one
With the Oars of Your Boat.
I long to be one
With the Glow of Your Promise.
I long to be one
With the Flow of Your Life.
I long to be one
With the Victory of Your Banner.

– Sri Chinmoy, The dance of life, part 01, Agni Press, 1973

Artist: Bhashwar Hart
Name:Bhashwar Recites Sri Chinmoy’s Poems, Dec. 5, 2015
Composer: Sri Chinmoy
Release Year: 2015
Duration: 10:04
Tracks uploaded and published: Kamalakanta Nieves, Tejvan Pettinger
Format: Advanced Audio Coding

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