"Directions" – Virendra Gauthier

Last modified October 28, 2006

We have the pleasure of presenting something entirely new today. The seven tracks in this “Directions” CD are highly original. Some are based on Sri Chinmoy‘s melodies (nos. 1, 2 and 5); others are entirely original (nos.

3, 6 and 7) and one is based on a traditional Indian song that Sri Chinmoy likes very much (no. 4). They are all in Jazz style, with a “Fusion” element in certain moments.

Virendra is self-taught in the drums, which he has been playing for 12 years. I find him to be extremely talented, for he has achieved a high level of proficiency all by himself! Sri Chinmoy has done the same with quite a few instruments, including the cello and the sitar, through hard work and enthusiasm. It is a testament to both Sri Chinmoy and Virendra that they can achieve so much without formal instruction, just on the strength of their dedication to their instruments.

The music in these tracks is excellent. For those who like Jazz, it will sound familiar. For those who do not usually listen to Jazz, I recommend listening to each track two or three times. I remember the first time I heard music by Sibelius, the famous composer from Finland, I could not understand or like it. After a few listening sessions, however, I started liking his music quite a bit!

From Sanjay’s Coltrane-like improvisations on track no. 2 and Kodanda’s masterful and subtle solo on track no. 5, to Virendra’s imaginative productions on tracks nos. 1, 3 and 4, these tracks are all charged with new and fresh energy, and are sure to inspire you to create music yourself!

Kamalakanta Nieves
October 2006

Artist: Virendra Gauthier, Kodanda Nathan and Sanjay Rawal
Release year: 2006
Duration: 38:08 Acknowledgements: Sri Chinmoy
Format: Advanced Audio Coding

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