Guided Meditation – Candle Flame

Last modified June 9, 2013

A very simple and powerful meditation exercise, which helps us to identify with the beauty, light and radiance of our soul. The exercise is taken from the writings of spiritual Teacher, Sri Chinmoy. The exercise is recited by Kaivalya Torpy.

The exercise can reap tremendous rewards in terms of clarity, productivity and efficiency in your life, and it can be done with just a few minutes practise every day. People commonly view concentration as purely a mental exercise; but here we are also going use our heart centre, that space in our chest we point to when we say ‘me’ – helping to take some of the burden away from our tension filled minds. So in the way, we are here using concentration to start another meditation exercise.

The mind needs
Many, many things,
But the most important thing
The mind needs
Is illumination.

– Sri Chinmoy [1]

Information about Sri Chinmoy Centres who offer free meditation classes in different parts of the world:


Artist: Kaivalya Torpy
Music: Satya, Premik
Name: Candle flame
Duration: 0:10:44
Tracks uploaded: Ashish Zubaty | Tejvan Pettinger
Format: Advanced Audio Coding

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  1. Thank-you for all your efforts to help others with their aspiration.

  2. thankks for preapering


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