“Illumination-Song and Liberation-Dance” CD 2 of 2

Last modified February 28, 2013

In this  2nd CD of a 2-CD set called “Illumination-Song and Liberation-Dance” recorded in April, 1976, Sri Chinmoy sang 57 of his newly composed Bengali songs to celebrate his arrival in the West twelve years earlier. The songs were performed at a display of Sri Chinmoy’s Jharna-Kala art in Manhattan.

Here are the original notes from the CD:

Illumination-Song and Liberation-Dance,
Sri Chinmoy Sings at the Jharna-Kala Gallery
April 12, 1976

“Late on the night of April 12, 1976, Sri Chinmoy sang 100 of his newly composed Bengali songs at a function celebrating his arrival in the West twelve years earlier. This function took place at Sri Chinmoy’s Jharna-Kala Gallery at 200 Mercer Street in lower Manhattan. For several weeks this gallery exhibited hundreds of Sri Chinmoy’s paintings. This gallery was open to the public daily, and was also the venue for Sri Chinmoy’s meditation, art and music programmes.

This CD contains the last 57 songs of this performance; the first part of the recording is currently unavailable. Sri Chinmoy published all 100 of these songs in 1976 in his Illumination-Song and Liberation-Dance songbook series. It should be noted that, since Sri Chinmoy revised many of these songs after the recording was made, what is heard on the CD often differs from the published notation.”


Sri Chinmoy’s song spring from his heart of aspiration, illumination and realisation. His aspiring heart identified itself with humanity’s joys and sorrows, and expressed itself through his songs. His songs are filled with love, oneness, sweetness, peace and delight.

We are grateful to Sri Chinmoy for this soulful and illumining offering, and hope that you enjoy this uplifting music as much as we do.

– Kamalakanta

Note: Please click here to see Sri Chinmoy drawing beautiful birds.

Artist: Sri Chinmoy
Name: “Illumination-Song and Liberation-Dance”
Composer: Sri Chinmoy
Release year: 2010
Duration: 50 minutes
Uploaded: Kamalakanta Nieves / Tejvan Pettinger
Acknowledgements: Sri Chinmoy
Format: Advanced Audio Coding

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