These two melodies by Sri Chinmoy are sublime. Both are taken from Sri Chinmoy’s songbook, “Supreme, Make My Life a Gratitude-Flood”. The first one is # 39, Prabhu Tomar. The translation (unofficial) is as follows:
"Inner Journey" – Kamalakanta Nieves
Last modified November 15, 2006

“Lord, I touch Your Feet,
I spread Your Life’s message-light.
Lord, I touch Your Feet
And thus give You a happiness-smile.
Lord, I touch Your Feet
And accept the Infinite in the finite heart.”
-Sri Chinmoy
The second melody is the one that gives the book its title. It is # 49, Tomar Kripar (unofficial):
“I lose my consciousness
In the flow of Your Compasion-beauty.
The endless flow of my tears
Makes You lose Your Consciousness vast.
Your smile’s endless flow
Has smashed my illusion-and-temptation prison.
O make my life a ceaseless flood of gratitude!
In You is my eternal journey’s endless start.”
-Sri Chinmoy
Here they are presented as melody and counter-melody, in a very simple setting, very calm, very meditative. I hope you like this!
Kamalakanta Nieves
November 2006
Artist: Kamalakanta Nieves
Release year: 2006
Duration: 4:14
Acknowledgements: Sri Chinmoy
Format: Advanced Audio Coding
Image: Kedar Misani