Inspiration Sounds 18

Last modified July 2, 2006

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In the 1970s Sri Chinmoy compiled a series of books called ‘Great Indian Meals’ – tales from ancient India. The subtitle is ‘Divinely delicious and supremely nourishing,’ and each story can be taken as portion of the smorgasbord of life. Most of these tales are not original but are a part of a lineage handed down from one to the next. They feature cosmic Gods and Goddesses, Kings and Queens and heroes from a vibrant and deeply spiritual culture. Sri Chinmoy gives his simple, eloquent and profound version of these classic stories from India’s history, enriching us with the truth and knowledge of the sacred past.

A Son’s Devotion
On a simple level a son shows his constant devotion to his old father by massaging his feet at the end of a long day in the rice fields. Suddenly Lord Krishna, King of the cowherds, appears full of admiration for the boy and on a deeper level it becomes clear who the real object of his devotion is.

The Goddess Ganga Descends To Earth
A story with all the right ingredients involving a King who begins by performing a sacrificial rite. Throw in the cosmic God Indra, a sage or two, plus six thousand men and generations of prayer and penance. Finally add the hair from Lord Shiva and the powerful waters of the Goddess Ganga and we have a great story!

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