Interview: meditation class giving

Last modified October 5, 2013

In this interview, Ashirvad, from Sao Paulo, Brazil, talks about his experiences of giving meditation classes. Over the past few years, Ashirvad has travelled around the globe giving many  meditation classes, based on the philosophy of Sri Chinmoy.

This interview was record by Utpal Marhsall at a recent meditation workshop on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, New York. Ashirvad has given meditation classes in over 50 countries and says: “I like to travel and am always excited when I go to a new country.”

Since Sri Chinmoy came to the West in the 1960s, the Sri Chinmoy Center has been offering meditation classes all over the world  – offering countless people the opportunity to learn to meditate.  The mediation classes have always been free and offered without any expectation.  From these simple beginnings many people have been able to learn about the ancient art of meditation and the spiritual philosophy of Sri Chinmoy.

new york meditation

“Meditation is a journey of self-discovery. By making the mind calm and quiet, we can go deep within and discover who we really are. By doing so, we find lasting peace and happiness and learn how to effectively solve our life-problems and realize our highest aspirations.“       

– Sri Chinmoy, Meditation.


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Artist: Ashirvad
Name: Interview, meditation class giving
Recorded by: Utpal Marshall
Release year: 2013
Duration: 0:23:09
Tracks and Page uploaded: Ashish Zubaty | Tejvan Pettinger
Format: Advanced Audio Coding

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