This is the second TV interview between Father Tom and Sri Chinmoy from September 12th 1997 – just a couple of weeks after the deaths of Princess Diana and Mother Teresa. In this interview, Father Tom asks Sri Chinmoy about his relationship with Mother Teresa and Princess Diana, and the spiritual lessons we can learn from a life of prayer and com
Interview with Father Tom, September 1997
Last modified June 1, 2016

passion.Over the years Monsignor Tomas Hartman conducted many interviews with Sri Chinmoy. This last one happened just after the passing of Mother Teresa and Princes Diana, two people loved and appreciated by the whole world.
Sri Chinmoy met with Mother Teresa Oct. 1 1994 at her Missionaries of Charity House adjoining Sun Gregorio Church in Rome. The two spiritual figures spoke together for several minutes in private, and then Sri Chinmoy presented her with the U Thant Peace Award.
U Thant Peace Award to Mother Teresa
“May we continue to work together and to share together, all for the glory of God and for the good of man.“
– Mother Teresa from the meeting in Rome in 1994
October 1 1994 at her Missionaries of Charity House in Rome
Mother Teresa lovingly welcomes Sri Chinmoy to Missionaries of Charity House in the Bronx, New York on 4 June 1996 where they also preyed most powerfully as his students sing prayerful songs which Sri Chinmoy has set to music. The words are from the immortal utterances of the Saviour Christ, as well as Mother’s prayer “The Fruit of Silence is prayer…“ Music to this song is available on the album of the Swiss group Mountain Silence.
Missionaries of Charity House in the Bronx, on 4 June 1996
This interview with father Tom also includes a few words about Princes Diana who passed away just a few weeks after Mother Teresa.
Coming together of Luminaries
Article in Newsday, Sept.28 1997
“While in London to perform at the Royal Albert Hall on May 21 – one of the 500 peace concerts he’s given in 43 countries – Sri Chinmoy was invited to visit the princess at Kensington Palace just a few hours before she was to fly to Pakistan to visit children stricken with cancer.
Diana had been invited to the concert but couldn’t attend because of her planned trip. But she received Sri Chinmoy, 66, in an interview room, meditated and prayed with him and listened to him sing – including songs in his native Bengali that he wrote for her and her two boys, William and Harry. Accompanying himself on a keyboard, Sri Chinmoy also sang songs he composed from public statements Diana made, among them, “I am not a political figure,” and, “Everyone needs to be valued.” He said the songs moved her to comment, “I’m glad somebody listens to what I say. “
As they conversed, Sri Chinmoy mentioned to Diana that Mother Teresa was very fond of her and viewed her as a daughter. Diana told him she wanted to see the renowned nun but hadn’t yet been able to.“I said that I would be responsible for making arrangements because I was going to have an interview with Mother,” Sri Chinmoy said he told her.
“I told Mother on the phone that Princess Diana would like to meet with her,” He said Mother Teresa responded, “Tell her to come to New York.”
“So I wrote the princess and gave her Mother Teresa’s phone number and address in the Bronx. Then she phoned up Mother and finally saw her. I was the instrument, but her heart wanted to have the meeting.”
Princess Diana and Sri Chinmoy at their meeting in Kensington Palace May 21st, 1997
The Sri Chinmoy’s relationship with Mother Teresa dates back to 1975, when they met at an interfaith gathering at the United Nations. They didn’t see one another again until 1994, but after that met on three more occasions . They also corresponded and often spoke by telephone. Their last conversation took place on Aug. 26, just nine days before her death, hen Mother Teresa blessed Sri Chinmoy on his upcoming birthday.
Upon learning of Mother Teresa’s death, Sri Chinmoy said: “Mother Teresa’s earthly frame we shall no longer see, but her Divinity’s eyes and Immortality’s heart she has left behind for the world to claim as its own, very own.”
“As it is true that the world is full of suffering, even so it is equally true that there came a soul to become and remain inseparably one with the suffering humanity, and her spirit mill forever remain here on earth.”
– Sri Chinmoy
Mother Teresa memorial at United Nations in September 1997.
Another memorial for Princes Diana in October 1997.
- Mother Teresa – Humanity’s Flower-Heart, Divinity’s Fragrance-Soul at Sri Chinmoy Library
- Diana Princess of Wales, Empress of the World at Sri Chinmoy Library
Artist: Sri Chinmoy
Name: Interview with Father Tom, September 1997
Release year: 1997
Duration: 0:26:36
Acknowledgements: Sri Chinmoy, Tomas Hartman
Tracks uploaded: Ashish Zubaty | Tejvan Pettinger
Format: Advanced Audio Coding
Photos Copyright Sri Chinmoy Centre