In the year 1986, at Sri Chinmoy‘s request, two of his students, Premik Russell Tubbs and Aparajita Fishman, set out to produce a CD based on Sri Chinmoy’s “Jharna-Kala” songs. These are songs dedicated to the Fountain of Art (Jharna Kala in Bengali).
Jharna-Kala Song-Garland
Last modified April 27, 2013
The production is brilliant, energetic, imaginative and full of enthusiasm. It has a lot of variety in the style of each arrangement. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do. Very entertaining!
Kamalakanta Nieves
Artist: Song-Garland
Name: Fountain-Art
Composer: Sri Chinmoy
Release year: 1986
Duration: 0:50:23
Acknowledgements: Premik, Aparajita
Tracks uploaded : Ashish Zubaty
Format: Advanced Audio Coding
Visit Sri Chinmoy TV to view videos of Sri Chinmoy’s Jharna Kala art!