Live Concert of Meditative Music – Inspiration-Flames

Last modified December 14, 2021

This recording includes a live concert offered by the group Inspiration-Flames on November 27, 2021, in Skopje, Macedonia. This group offers free concerts of meditative music based on songs composed by Sri Chinmoy. This performance included five songs, including “Nai Nai” and “Like the Supreme Lord Shiva.”

The translation of the first song

Madhu diye dao more

Fill up my heart with inner honey.
As the magic touch of the philosopher’s stone
Transforms iron into gold,
Your Feet will transform all my blunders
Into perfect reality.
Fill up my heart with inner honey.

– Sri Chinmoy (song score)

Sri Chinmoy (1931-2007)  is a spiritual Master who strived to inspire and serve humanity through different fields of endeavour. He was a prolific writer, composer, musician, athlete and a student of peace. As a composer, he composed over 20,000 songs. His disciples offer their soulful interpretations of these songs, as a way of sharing with humanity at large the inner beauty, peace, light and bliss inherent in these melodies.

The members of the group include: Baridhi (Harmonium) Radi (Chimes), Yasen (Piano & Kaval) Vasko (Harmonium) Ilija (Guitar), Ushika (Tampura), Vratasta (Guitar) Angikar and Sarveshvara (Vocals).

We hope you find these soulful interpretations inspiring in your inner journey towards self-knowledge and illumination.

Artist: Sri Chinmoy Students
Name: Sri Chinmoy Students- Selected Performances from October 11, 2021
Composer: Sri Chinmoy
Release Year: 2021
Duration: 1 hour 54 minutes
Acknowledgements: Sri Chinmoy
Tracks uploaded and published: Kamalakanta Nieves and Tejvan Pettinger
Format: Advanced Audio Coding



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1 Comment

  1. Very nice!Will download the first two songs!


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