In this recording, we publish Sri Chinmoy’s concert, from 13 August, 2007. This was one of the last concerts that Sri Chinmoy would give.
This concert was part of a series, offered every 13th and 27th of each month.
Comment on album
Last modified September 15, 2007
In this recording, we publish Sri Chinmoy’s concert, from 13 August, 2007. This was one of the last concerts that Sri Chinmoy would give.
This concert was part of a series, offered every 13th and 27th of each month.
Comment on album
Sri Chinmoy’s performances can be divided into two fields: melodic performances and extemporaneous or improvisational performances. In this concert, Sri Chinmoy performs his own songs on a variety of melodic instruments, such as the Indian Flute, the Esraj and the Chinese Ruan. However, we also have in this concert improvisational performances in the Drum Machine, the Organ and the Wind Jammer.
Whether playing his own prayer-poems set to music or improvising on the Drum Machine, Sri Chinmoy plays from the heart. His music has an inner quality which comes from the inmost cry of his heart. This inner cry, or aspiration, is universal and individual at the same time; it is the deepest common link between all human beings. It is the basis of prayer and meditation, and also the foundation of all art, and of all the virtues; of all we call good.
Music, spiritual music, has the capacity to elevate and deepen our consciousness; it connects us with the sounds and feelings of our inner landscape.
Sri Chinmoy tries to manifest spirituality in many fields of endeavor. Through music, the universal language, he seeks to offer a few moments of inner peace, creativity and dynamism. His music is infused with inner sweetness and power at the same time.
We hope you enjoy this concert, and that it may be of service to all seekers in their attempt at a better, higher life, a life of inner knowledge, harmony and understanding, a life of ever-growing self-transcendence. This is the universal song of humanity.
Artist: Sri Chinmoy
Release year: 2007
Duration: 29 minutes
Acknowledgements: Sri Chinmoy
Format: Advanced Audio Coding
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