My Heart Sings at the Foot of the UN Tree

Last modified August 12, 2015

This album includes two piano recordings from 1991 and 1992, originally published on tape in 1992 by Aum Music. This significant piano performance by Sri Chinmoy, combines powerful improvisations  with some simple melodies that he composed over the years.

Question: How can I bring spirituality into my music?

Sri Chinmoy: As a sincere seeker you must know that your music has to please the Supreme, who is our eternal Guru. You are quite young. You have to play music that brings inspiration to the heart and not excitement to the vital. You must not play music that will only arouse excitement in the vital. When you play any particular piece, you have to feel whether it is the right music for your own spiritual progress and inner growth. Play only music that inspires you, that comes from the very depth of your heart and illumines your consciousness.

You have to know that each seeker-musician has a golden opportunity to please the Supreme with his music. Whenever you play any music, you have to know whether or not that music is going to please the Supreme. If it pleases you and you feel it will please Him, then play it. If you feel it does not please Him, then never play it. Playing lower vital music to get appreciation from the public can never please the Supreme. If an ordinary person who has not launched into the spiritual path plays that kind of music, he is doing the right thing according to his own standard. But if a seeker plays that kind of music, he cannot make any progress.

A sincere seeker who has already accepted a path of his own should play only spiritual music, psychic music, music that elevates his consciousness and the consciousness of others. When you play this kind of music, you will see that in each note God Himself is blossoming like a lotus, petal by petal. When you play divine music, please feel that God is unveiling His own inner music and fulfilling Himself in and through you.

About performances:


On 24 April 1991, Sri Chinmoy performed an improvisation on the piano during an anniversary concert in the Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium to celebrate 21 years of the Peace Meditation at the United Nations.

Actual second piano recording is from February 19, 1992. The fifth Piano Anniversary performance played in Public school 86 in New York.

(c) Copyrights Sri Chinmoy Centre

(c) Copyrights Sri Chinmoy Centre

Photos from February 1992, in Progress Promise where Sri Chinmoy celebrated 5th anniversary of piano playing, together with Sri Chinmoy Centre piano players who prepared spacial cake for that occasion.


Artist: Sri Chinmoy
Name: My Heart Sings at the Foot of the UN Tree
Release year: 1992 (MC)
Duration: 0:52:20
Acknowledgements: Sri Chinmoy
Page Created: Ashish / Tejvan
Format: Advanced Audio Coding
Photos by Pulak, Bhashwar

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