This is an historic recording from Sri Chinmoy’s Peace Concert tour of 1990 in East and West Germany. The concerts took place against a backdrop of rapid change and the re-unification of a previously divided East and West Germany.
Last modified February 24, 2015
13,000 East and West German citizens came to these six concerts (Nuremberg, Hanover, West Berlin, Leipzig, East Berlin) to experience the deep inner peace of Sri Chinmoy’s music.
Six German concerts of 1990
18 February
Sri Chinmoy arrived from Rome to Nuremberg for beginning of the East-West Germany tour. In the evening he gave a concert at Meistersingerhalle. During the concert he introduced some of the seven new songs he composed for East-West Germany just before the trip. The German singers performed the “old” East-West German songs, as they did throughout the tour at every concert.
19 February
Sri Chinmoy and his students travelled to Hanover and in the evening there was a function at a hall near the hotel where he answered several spiritual questions. German singers performed song “My German Children” on which Sri Chinmoy made his own arrangement where each line was sung first by the girls once and then together once. “Soulfulness and power should go together” was his comment about that performance.
20 February
Sri Chinmoy offered a Peace Concert in Congresscentrum in Hanover where he sang 3 more of his new Germany songs. He also lifted 31 people.
Muscle Man and Peace Angel
Chinmoy in the Kuppelsaal
Comment from ‘Neue Presse’
“2800 listeners followed his call to a “peace concert” into the Kuppelsaal of Hanover, allowed themselves be carried out of transported away from the daily routines by Indian sounds and gave disciplined applause between the pieces (ovations would have destroyed the atmosphere), when the Master changed to flute or synthesizer.
“In the silence there is power” his friends say. And what kind of power Sri Chinmoy has developed through training and spiritual concentration he proved before the concert. With a special rack he lifted members of the audience into the air with one arm.”
– Neue Presse, Hannover, Thursday, Febr.22, 1990
Concert was held in the huge ICC Masseglande in West Berlin.
21 February
Arriving to West Berlin in the afternoon he offered a Peace Concert at the Stadtsbibliothek (2PM). In the evening the concert was held in the huge ICC Masseglande in West Berlin (8PM) which was practically full. After the function Yugoslavian students sang 3 songs, of which one was “Yugoslavia”.
22 February
Visiting Leipzig in East Germany for a lifting programme at the Bach Museum in the afternoon where he lifted 13 people including the director of the Bach Museum. In the evening he gave his first Peace Concert in East Germany at Leipzig Opera Hause and it was so full that many of his students had to wait outside the hall to allow the guests to be seated. This audience seemed particularly respectful and receptive.
23 February
In the morning a Peace Mile was inaugurated in East Berlin. Sri Chinmoy walked the mile with his students and he requested everyone as they walked chanting and all of the 7 East-West German songs. In the late afternoon a lifting programme (19 people) was held in the Kongresshalle in East Berlin before the concert. He lifted 19 people plus two East German athletes: world canoing champion Birgit Schmidt and horse-vault champion Jorg Behrand and he received a “Twentieth Century’s First Global Man Award” from the head of German magazine called 2,000. The peace concert was held in the same hall and this was the last concert of the series. Sri Chinmoy spoke at the end:
“Most soulfully I am bowing to the most powerful oneness-soul of Germany. West and East Germany, East and West Germany. To you I am offering my heart’s most soulful joy, love, service, and gratitude, gratitude, for you have fulfilled the transcendental Vision of our Beloved Lord Supreme. Your inseparable oneness marks the highest victory. Your inseparable oneness in the inner world, in the outer world, is the absolute Victory of our transcendental Lord Supreme. Your inner freedom will be able to show the world at large the beauty, the purity, the divinity of a oneness-home, oneness-home.”
– Sri Chinmoy
Sri Chinmoy – Friday Event in Berlin
“Three appearances of the poet, musician, philosopher. master of meditation and athlete Sri Chinmoy had on Friday in Berlin: At 11a.m. the born Indian who lives in the U.S.A. opened the Peace Mile in the Citizen Park of Pankow with his International Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team after a previous meditation. At 5p.m. the next spectacular event in the Congress Hall took place: Lifting up the World with a Oneness-Heart. That the 58-year old Indian did with gymnastics world champion Joerg Behrend and 19 other persons. 1500 people from all over the world have been elevated up to now. And at 8 p.m. his grate peace concert followed with a completely booked out hall.”
– Neues Deutschland, Sat./Sun, 24./25. Febr. 1990 East-Berlin (formerly official national paper of the State party of the GDR)
Songbook One Germany, one soul, one heart
Artist: Sri Chinmoy
Name: Oneness-Happiness-Song
Release year: 1990 (2 MC) by Aum Music
Duration: 1:25:29
Acknowledgements: Sri Chinmoy
Tracks uploaded: Ashish | Tejvan
Format: Advanced Audio Coding
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