The year 2017 marks the 30th Anniversary of The Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run, founded by Sri Chinmoy in 1987. To mark this momentous 30th Anniversary, Paree Atkin has made a choral/instrumental arrangement of some of Sri Chinmoy’s songs dedicated to the Peace Run.
Musical arrangement based on the “Peace Run”
Last modified May 29, 2017

This was performed by the all-local group of Sri Chinmoy students from the New York Area at Aspiration-Ground on April 13, 2017.
Here are some notes about Sri Chinmoy, and some of his quotes about the Peace Run:
Sri Chinmoy devoted his life to the pursuit of harmony and oneness between people and between different cultures. He dynamically pursued this vision through the arts, athletics and humanitarian service. He was always a strong advocate for the role of sports as a powerful instrument for promoting global harmony. More on Sri Chinmoy.
During his lifetime, Sri Chinmoy was internationally recognised for his numerous initiatives that have united people from many cultures and walks of life to work for a more fulfilling world. As an athlete, philosopher, artist and poet, Sri Chinmoy dedicated his life to advancing the ideals of world peace and oneness
In 1987 he founded the Oneness-Home Peace Run as a way to bring people together in a global yet grassroots event. Since its inception the Run has traversed over 140 nations and touched the lives of millions of people. Known between 2005 and 2013 as the World Harmony Run, the Peace Run does not seek to raise money or highlight any political cause, rather, the Peace Run provides an opportunity for people to give expression to their own hopes and dreams for a more peaceful and harmonious world.
People from all walks of life hold the symbolic torch to wish for a better, brighter future. Passing the torch from one person to the next unites us in our common aspiration to offer something positive to our world – together we can make a difference!
In July 2005 Sri Chinmoy commented “World harmony, world peace: these are not mere dictionary words. These are realities, divine realities and supreme realities.”
“May the flames of peace-torch
Kindle and awaken
Each and every world-citizen.”
– Sri Chinmoy
Sri Chinmoy speaks about the Peace Run
“There are many ways to become happy, but I feel that the easiest and most effective way is to outwardly run.” April, 1987
“This Peace Run is not only unprecedented; it is also the very beginning of something that humanity and Mother Earth will forever and forever treasure.” April, 1987
“While you are carrying the peace torch, do not feel that it is a material object or something like a child’s toy or doll. You have to feel that inside the peace torch there is a flame, and that flame is your own flame. You yourself have created that flame. What for? To illumine yourself first, and then the people you are seeing within your orbit. Your own orbit can be made large, larger, largest. Today it may be very small, but tomorrow it can be much larger and the day after tomorrow it can be an infinite expanse.” April, 1998
“When we see with the eyes, we see our existence at one place and the existence of others somewhere else. But when we use the heart, at that time inside our existence is the rest of the world, and inside the world is our existence.” April, 1998
“During my highest meditation, many, many times I have clearly seen that our self-giving spirit in all its beauty and fragrance has covered the length and the breadth of the world. Not only that, something more: there are countless souls who have not seen the light of day, yet when they come into the world, they will feel, they are bound to feel, this self-giving spirit that is encircling and encircling the world. The beauty, the fragrance, the light and delight of this spirit will kindle the flames of aspiration in the newcomers. They will also sing the same song, the same song of peace, universal peace.” June, 2005
“Today’s chaotic world cannot forever remain chaotic. World harmony, world peace: these are not mere dictionary words. These are the realities, divine and supreme realities. For all of us who are aspiring to become good citizens of the world, our Harmony Run is a supremely important inspiration to us all.” June, 2005
“This world of ours needs harmony, harmony, harmony. Children are the most suitable to bring about world harmony because for them it is something new and fresh. Children take each morning as a new dream.” June, 2007
We hope you derive a lot of joy and inspiration from this wonderful musical/spiritual offering!
Artist: New York Sri Chinmoy Centre
Title: “All -Local Performance #19- “Peace Run”
Composer: Sri Chinmoy
Release Year: 2017
Duration: 12:35
Tracks uploaded and published: Kamalakanta Nieves and Tejvan Pettinger
Format: Advanced Audio Coding
Beatiful and very inspiring!
Profound Gratitude!!
Thank you for this beautiful and soulful gift you have imparted to the world 🙂
This is totally awesome and so subtle. Full of true joy and delight! Thank you singers and players!