Three radio interviews with Sri Chinmoy

Last modified January 9, 2021

This album “Humanity’s Heart-Radio” features three interviews with Sri Chinmoy from the year 1977. It includes question and answers on a NY radio programme and short musical interludes with Sri Chinmoy playing the esraj.

From the notes on the CD:

1. The Steve Powers Show, WMCA AM 570, April 8, 1977 (28:55).
Sri Chinmoy is interviewed by Steve Powers. Several radio listeners also ask questions of Sri Chinmoy by telephone.
Fragments of commercial jingles from the broadcast are heard on the recording. This interview appeared in AUM Magazine in July 1977.

Sri Chinmoy was a guest on The Steve Powers Show several times over the years.

2. Bernard Gabriel Views the Music Scene, National Public Radio, June 14, 1977 (28:13).
Sri Chinmoy is interviewed by Bernard Gabriel. Sri Chinmoy is invited to play his esraj, and he plays his songs
“Hiya Pakhi Egiye Chalo” and “Bhulite Diyona Prabhu”. This interview was aired locally on July 11, 1977 and syndicated co college radio stations throughout the United States.

3. The Absence of Silence, WNYC FM 93.9, July 15, 1977 (22:39).
Sri Chinmoy is interviewed by Mathew Paris. Sri Chinmoy, i invited to play his esraj, and he plays “Hiya Pakhi Egiye Chalo”. This was a live broadcast. The recording was incomplete; it begins abruptly, in the middle of a sentence.

Cover photo: Sri Chinmoy meditates and gives a talk at the Earth Day celebration in Battery Park in Manhattan, on the first day of spring

March 21, 1975.


We hope these interviews with Sri Chinmoy will be of inspiration to truth-seekers
and God-lovers all over the world.

Artist: Sri Chinmoy
Composer: Sri Chinmoy
Release Year: 2015
Duration: 79 minutes
Tracks uploaded and published: Kamalakanta Nieves and Tejvan Pettinger
Format: Advanced Audio Coding

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