“The Godward Journey For The Pure And The Brave”, CD by Sri Chinmoy

Last modified February 24, 2013

“Sri Chinmoy spent three months visiting China over the Christmas-New Year period of 2004/2005. The three piano performances on this recording represent an important development in Sri Chinmoy’s keyboard improvisations, embracing new sonority and tonalities.

They were recorded in Sri Chinmoy’s room at the Golf Hotel, Huangshan, on January 27, 30 and 31, 2005″ – from original notes on CD cover.


“Dear listeners, this CD is a collection of three piano performances by Sri Chinmoy from January, 2005.

These piano performances have exuberant energy and, at the same time, a lyrical vein that runs through them; an organic melodiousness, even in passages where there is no apparent melody. There is a sense of total control in the powerful moments; a feeling of contained energy that is moving to the surface, but in a masterfully controlled way. It is the touch of a great artist whose work has matured over years of practice and performances. For Sri Chinmoy, music was a sacred experience in which his devotion to God and his love for humanity found a way of expressing itself. Therefore, his music always embodies a vastness and spiritual richness that is the result of his prayer-life and meditation-life. It is brimming with spiritual depth and a soulful feeling.

We are grateful to Sri Chinmoy for this soulful and illumining offering.”

– Kamalakanta.

Artist: Sri Chinmoy
Name: The Godward Journey For The Pure And The Brave
Composer: Sri Chinmoy
Release year: 2005
Duration: 32 minutes
Uploaded: Kamalakanta Nieves / Tejvan Pettinger
Acknowledgements: Sri Chinmoy
Format: Advanced Audio Coding

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