In this powerful CD, Sri Chinmoy celebrates the sixth anniversary of his first piano performance.
The Melodies of my Soul
Last modified May 18, 2006

Sri Chinmoy’s piano performances are, perhaps with the organ and the synthesizer, his most creative endeavour. He is literally creating new poetic-musical-spiritual worlds, enriching our own imagination with the variety of his musical palette.
From extremely subtle and delicate, to thunderously powerful, his musical ideas manifest the gamut of the entire universe. All textures and colours are portrayed in his musical landscape.
To listen to this music is to embark on an inner journey, full of adventure and imagination!
Our gratitude to Sri Chinmoy for this most soulful offering.
Kamalakanta Nieves
May 2006
Artist: Sri Chinmoy
Name: ‘The Melodies of my Soul’
Release year:
Duration: 40:40
Related tag: Piano
Page created: Kamalakanta Nieves
Format: Advanced Audio Coding