Fragrance freedom Last modified December 20, 2020 Guru’s music of yesteryear 183-47-1.m4a183-48-1.m4a183-54-1.m4a183-56-1.m4a183-61-1.m4a183-10-1.m4a183-15-1.m4a183-16-1.m4aYour Forgiveness-SunThe smile of my eyesMy dream-eyes existWhen I was a purity-heartRather a quick deathI am ready to weepGod Himself is suffocatingThe supernal mysteriesIf my doubt is mightyOn the inimitable wayI am realising YouBorn to do something greatI have buried my pastA source unknowableSanctioned and guaranteedThe weight of my ignorance-nightHow can fear torture me?A breathless whisper from afarO Divine GraceMy inevitable choiceMy Lord will give His EternityTo develop beautyImperturbable cheerfulnessAn increasing brightnessA winning boatA well-constructed bridgeA noisy and hollow boastYou are mercifully blindYou enjoy perennial blissSorrow I shareI love everythingNothing less then the highestPerfect revelationsI affirm what God affirmsMy witnessesTwo smilesAn exceptionEverything is equally importantThe seeker can escapeTo proceed confidentlyAspiration-power assuresMan is an imperfect instrumentDiscipline is God-interestThe flight of your gratitude-heartDining with frailtiesSing the self-offering songJust transcend your mindThe roots of delight-treeExplore the Beauty of GodWhen I do something wrongMy heart knows how to receiveOne kind thoughtThe height of my victoryMy earthly and Heavenly questAspiration means self-developmentPurity can be a daily experienceWhen I pray to GodThe songs of the eternal nowA safe investmentIf the world is challenging meIts own horrifying curseThe life that will riseThe hunger of possessivenessWhat was that nothing?162-9-1.m4aJedike PhiraiBela Hale ChaleRupar Tarani BahiyaUpartatoBedanai BharaCharan PheligoBhulite DiyonaNil jamunaNutan prabhatAbar asiboTomar pulakaDhara diteJiban amarKanu benuJagi jenaKhudra ashaAmare chhereNil ragane172-6-1.m4aTomare basibo baloTomar premerNidrobihinAmar nayanBasana amar171-26-1.m4aEkla PatheJiban DebataAsha Niye Asi BhabeShunechi...Tomar AmarDuar Khulo AjiMor Khudha AntareKanna Amar Shesh HabenaJatra PatheVishwa PrabhuPraner KathaBandhiya BandhiyaGreecer ChhiloTomar Kripai UrdheBela Chale JaiDiner ShesheChahi KichuAnande BharaShesh KathatiTumi DayalChale JaoAmi Tomar KriparTumi Je AmareSudur Hate Bheshe AsiChaowa Paowar Shesh HabenaJiban Debata (extended)155-8-1.m4aSundaratamaSamyer Jug AjiShrashta AmarAmito TomareNa Pari TomaiNil Pakhi BaleTumi Amai Khama Karo170-25-1.m4aOpening chant AUMJibana TaruAshar MitaBrahma, Vishnu, ShibSurjya DebataTomai Ami JaniEsecho BaleSumadhur SureJani Ami Nahi JaniBhakti LagiTomar Sathe KhelboShikkha GuruNitya Amai Baran KariMadhavi LatarVishma Ar DronaAmi Nil GaganerSonar HarinSabar Sathe Nahi ChaliJiban AmarMata...SaraswatiKe Chahe GoBhrant Tumi BhrantaShanti Jyoti ShaktiAjanare Achenare154-8-1.m4aOre mor kheyaSundara hateEkbar shudhu baloAr katokalAmi gahi ganPhule phuleKata ganGetting strongerMokshagunI can lift up 240 #Reach the topWeigtlifting medleyI can lift up 170 lbI have reached the golden shore!America the beautifulJesse OwensO Great ChampionMarathonI am running a marathonCongratulationsMy Record Will GoO grant me the fastest speedCycling Song MedleyCarl LewisTriathlon ThemeO Marathon RunnerZatopek Yeter MedleyCarl Lewis Medley SongI Have WonRun and BecomeThe Call of DelightMy Golden HopePuerto RicoA Life-Illumining SmileAdagio in D flatI Shall Not Go AloneTomorrow's Sun - A Suite in Four PartsMorning - The God-Hour167-23-1.m4aJharna-Kala...Moder BalaJharna-Kala...DodulaJharna-Kala Oishi ManJharna-Kala Bishwa PrabhuJharna BhatiJharna HiyaiJharna-Kala...ChandaJharna JibaneAlo BhelaJharna-KalarJharna-Kala Ane KamalaJibane Mama JharnaJiban ChapalaJharna DyulokeJharna-Kala Sathi AmarJago Jharna JagoJharna-Kala Sathi AmarJharna Kalar Arup SajeJharna-Kala Akasher103-31-1.m4a103-48-1.m4aSri Chinmoy International Choir (2 min)Sri Chinmoy International Choir (6 min)Nycha Choir, USAKamalakanta Nieves Puerto RicoPremik Russel Tubbs, USAMadhurata JetanaiAmar Puta AntareJishur SwapnaChetana Amar Akashe BataseSima Jadi HaiAmai Dhabal Pal TulecheAnale Anile Anute RenuteJharna KalaFarewellOre Mor KheyaKalo BaranSudhu SeidinShesh KathatiJe Beseche BhaloO BhujiAntare Eso NemeAr Katokal Kandbo MagoEkti Katha Ekti SurSundaratamaAmi Gahi GanHarmoniumFluteCello